Saturday, April 27, 2013


There seems to be a lot of similarities and parallels between Clara and Rose. So many that it cannot be a coincidence. Something is clearly up. Here is a growing list of all the similarities.

#1- Clara usually wears red, a rose is red

#2- The car that almost hit Clara's father is almost the exact car (model and color) that hit Rose's father

#3- Both have looked upon the Eye of Harmony

#4- Both have watched a planet explode from a spaceship (with dignitaries on board)

Feel free to add more similarities in the comments and I will add it to the list.

Clara Theories

I've seen some fantastic theories about who Clara is and I would like to keep a list of them here. I'll keep updating this as I find more.

#1- Clara/Rose- I'll make a separate post about this one

#2- Clara is actually River.

#3- Clara is a fragment of the TARDIS

#4- Clara is actually the Doctor's first wife
(#2-3 source:

Let me know of you find more that you want to add to the list